Human rights movies

From Monday, September 23, 2024 until Wednesday, September 25, 2024, we will screen various films with human rights themes every day from 5:00 p.m. in the foyer of the Business Faculty in Karviná, University of Silesia. On Thursday, September 26, the films will be shown only in the morning in the study room of the same faculty.
You can look forward to:


When: Monday - 23/09/2024 at 17:00

Where: Foyer of the University of Silesia in Karviná (University nám. 1934, 733 40 Karviná 1-Fryštát)

Nineteen-year-old Ala'a Basatneh should have the usual worries like her American peers: school, love, fashion, music. But the student from Chicago has no time for any of that. He is organizing a revolution in Syria through his laptop. It helps coordinate protests, spreads photos and videos or informs protesters about current events. At the same time, her friends Bassel, Aous and Omar are in the very center of events, in a country where a civil war has been going on for three years. They document the crimes of the Assad regime and of course they fight. However, they exchanged weapons for a camera, mobile phone and the Internet. The film follows the efforts and courage of young people and uncovers the social media phenomenon that has become a major driver of the Arab Spring wave.

Silent Inquisition

When: Tuesday - 24/09/2024 from 17:00

Where: Foyer of the University of Silesia in Karviná (University nám. 1934, 733 40 Karviná 1-Fryštát)

Doctor Carla deals with an ethical dilemma every day. In response to his post-election success, which he achieved thanks to the support of the Catholic Church, the current Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega approved a decree banning abortion in 2007. Even in the case of rape, incest or threats to the mother's life. The consequence is a significant increase in the number of unsuccessful home abortions and unwanted pregnancies. Carla believes the law goes against medical ethics and violates women's rights. She and her team are therefore teetering on the edge of illegality in their efforts to help patients. At the same time, through Carla's story, we get a glimpse into the current political situation in Nicaragua, which is not much talked about.

Hooligan Sparrow

When: Wednesday - 25/09/2024 from 17:00

Where: Foyer of the University of Silesia in Karviná (University nám. 1934, 733 40 Karviná 1-Fryštát)

Ye Haiyan, or Hooligan Sparrow, is a fearless human rights activist fighting for women's rights in China. She quietly works for free in brothels to get prostitutes legal status and the right to health care. She has gained such popularity on social networks that her arrest would probably attract unwanted attention. After living in New York for two years, director Nanfu Wang returns to China to spend the summer with her admired Sparrow. Their adventure begins with a risky protest against the rape of school children, which is a common phenomenon in China. The daring picture, made up of secretly filmed footage, faithfully depicts how Sparrow and her ten-year-old daughter face harsh police harassment.

Bohu žel

When: Thursday - 26/09/2024 from 11:30

Where: Study room of the University of Silesia in Karviná (University nám. 1934, 733 40 Karviná 1-Fryštát)

Saša Dlouhé Bohu zel's full-length author's documentary follows six refugee stories experienced over a period of several years in the Czech Republic. The latter, as a former member of the Soviet socialist bloc and today part of the European Union, shows almost the greatest opposition to refugees from a pan-European point of view, without having any itself. The level of rejection of migrants, especially illegal ones and those of the Muslim faith, is in direct proportion to the frequency of the topic in the election programs of political parties and the head of state. The purposefully supported anti-refugee hysteria with the refugee as a virtual reality is, fortunately, balanced in the film as in reality by the work of human rights organizations and still a substantial part of society refusing to accept hatred as one of its norms. Hate that stems from fear and ignorance. Hate that allows manipulation and can turn against any of us tomorrow.


When: Thursday - 26/09/2024 from 14:30

Where: University of Silesia in Karviná (University square 1934, 733 40 Karviná 1-Fryštát)

"They want 300,000 from me for one signature and for the fact that I didn't take any money from them," confesses in the documentary Šitkredit a woman who, like many others, was attracted by the possibility of an easy and quick loan. Even though the woman changed her mind about the whole transaction and withdrew from the contract, the unfavorable terms allowed the credit company to foreclose on her house. In the film Šitkredit, Martin Řezníček brings viewers closer to the unethical practices of these companies and their impact on the fate of specific borrowers, mostly people with low incomes. In a poorly regulated loan market, even a single late payment can mean years of regular income for a loan company - despite their borrowers having no assets. The documentary, produced by People in Need, gives an insight into the issues of poverty and social exclusion in addition to the main topic - modern usury
